On a hunch, Randy Guijarro found a photograph in an antique store, and after paying $2 for it, he thought that it could be of great historical and monetary significance.
As it turned out, he was right!
Randy loves to collect things. Everything from sports cards, to coins, comic book and other trinkets that most people past by in thrift stores and at garage sales.
His wife Linda also shares the hobby, collecting old photographs. These collectibles were a mutual interest that bonded the couple since they first met.
During the summer of 2010, Randy decided to go into Fulton's Folly Antiques Collective in Fresno, California.
Two men in the store had recently gone to an auction to buy a storage unit, and were eager to get rid of some of the things they didn't think they needed. That's when a cardboard box piqued Randy's interest. Inside the box were three old photos that dated back to the 1800s.
Randy offered to buy the box, but all he had in his pocket at the time was $2. The men were happy to get rid of the box and accepted his offer.
One of the photographs in particular peaked the collector's interest, a 20-square-inch tintype.
On first look, it looked like several people playing a game of croquet, but the person in the centuries-old photograph had Randy wondering about its historical significance.
Read the full story on Shared.com
Photo: Shared.com